
My Poems (Note: Mostly copied from Medium Account) You know, what’s the point of recording a rap song if nobody hears it? Every poem I write, I intend to show them to people. Though it is a different matter for those that are much more personal. So, I’ll give a background story.  Well, I was born with a hearing loss in both ears. I recently had two ear surgeries that returned my hearing to normal, August 2015 and May 2016. I grew up in Fremont, bay area in California. I moved to Cary, North Carolina during the middle of my freshman year of high school, so I guess that would be 2011–2012, or something like that. It’s hard to remember. Since I moved during the middle of the freshman year, my courses were counted as 0.5 credits. So, I had to retake them in my new high school, Panther Creek High. The result was so much overwhelming homework, since I felt like retaking courses changed the kind of courses I later took depending on the difficulty of the course and because I felt like I w

Coolest Blog Site

Hmmm this is perfect. I think it's a good idea to have one blog all for poems, another for art, and so on. Definitely a very useful feature. For now, down below there's two links to my Poems and Art blogs. Poems: Art:

Transferring To New Blog Site

Still kinda new to the idea of blogging. Anyway, I made this so I could transfer to a new blog site because the previous one makes viewing accessible to those who have made an account on it. I think for this one, anyone can see blog posts, regardless if they blog here or not. Here is the link to the previous blog site I was talking about if you're curious: